Bosma Enterprises
How do I place an order?
Please contact our customer care line at 800.362.5463 to place an order for Bosma Enterprises products, including our health and safety items, ice melt or our outsourcing solutions. We look forward to helping you.
How long does it take to get my order?
Typical time frames for delivery are:
Eastern: 1-3 days
Central: 2-3 days
Mountain: 3-4 days
Pacific: 5-7 days
How do I find out if my order has shipped? Where do I get tracking information?
Please contact our customer care line at 800.362.5463. We look forward to helping you.
Do you hire people who are blind?
Absolutely. Over 50% of our workforce is blind or visually impaired. Learn more about our career opportunities.
I have a Title VI complaint. What do I do?
Download this form, fill it out and submit it to hr@bosma.org.
Bosma Center for Visionary Solutions
I have an elderly friend/relative who is losing his/her eyesight. Do you offer any programs that can help them?
Yes, we do. We offer in-home rehabilitation services to help seniors with vision loss remain independent. Contact us at 888.567.3422 for more information.
I recently lost my vision. What do I do now?
We can help. We offer comprehensive training through the Bosma Center for Visionary Solutions as well as in-home training through our Community-Based Services program. Contact us at 888.567.3422 for more information.
Do you offer programs outside of Indianapolis?
Yes, we do. We provide in-home training to people throughout Indiana. Call 888.567.3422 for more information.
Bosma Visionary Opportunities Foundation
How do I volunteer?
There are many ways you can get involved at Bosma. Learn more about current volunteer opportunities, or call us at 317.684.0600.
How do I make a gift?
We offer several ways to give. You can donate online or learn more about other giving options.