Bosma announces partnership with DiSorb Systems

“Our future success is contingent on establishing partnerships like the one we have with DiSorb,” said Jeff Mittman, Bosma Enterprises President & CEO. “Our agreement with DiSorb facilitates exciting opportunities for Bosma while allowing us to work with a trusted AbilityOne distributor committed to placing our products in the hands of our nation’s veterans.”
Bosma participates in the federal AbilityOne Program, which provides jobs to more than 45,000 people who are blind or significantly disabled in the United States and quality products and services to the Federal Government at a fair market price. DiSorb is an authorized AbilityOne distributor.
“We are committed to being good citizens while providing the highest value to our customers. Our relationship with Bosma is the right thing to do as a business,” said DiSorb Systems CEO, Ted McLaughlin. “Bosma has proven to be an efficient, quality-first partner.”
Bosma is the only nonprofit organization in Indiana to provide comprehensive training and employment opportunities for people who are blind or visually impaired. Bosma Enterprises is the organization’s business operation. Its line of products, including the Good Works Performance Pro nitrile exam gloves, are packed and shipped by the organization’s employees, more than half of whom are blind or visually impaired.
About Bosma Enterprises
Bosma Enterprises provides employment opportunities for people who are blind or visually impaired through a variety of business lines, such as warehousing, fulfillment, sales/marketing, GoodWorks products and services, health care kitting and contract packaging. Bosma Enterprises has a dual mission of also providing rehabilitation, independence training and placement services for those who have lost some or all of their eyesight, at no cost to clients. As one of the largest organizations employing people with disabilities in the Midwest, Bosma Enterprises helps socially responsible companies with a focus on supplier diversity expand their sourcing options with high-quality goods and services. To learn more, visit
About DiSorb Systems
DiSorb Systems Inc., based in Philadelphia, PA is a medical manufacturing company. The veteran-owned business, founded in 2000, maintains a workforce made up of over 70% veterans and supplies hospitals and surgical centers worldwide with products that disinfect and solidify blood and other liquid medical waste. DiSorb is one of three companies in the world that manufactures these specialty waste management products, which minimize potential exposure to blood-borne illnesses and allows for the safe and cost-effective disposal of liquid medical waste.